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اقدام اصلاحی بیدرنگ
ORE other real estate owned P&A purchase and assumption PCA Prompt Corrective Action S&L's savings and loan institutions
In several countries, including the United States, there is a Prompt Corrective Action regime that requires the government to take action against a bank when capital falls below a certain level (see Prompt Corrective Action Directive, Form 1).11 Such actions are increasingly intrusive as the bank's capital falls below the established triggers, ultimately requiring that a bank be closed (placed in receivership).
Sample Prompt Corrective Action Directive Used in countries where there is a Prompt Corrective Action regime to direct a bank that has fallen below the trigger capital level to raise capital and take other necessary actions. 2.
WHEREAS the [name of supervisory authority] is required under the provisions of the [banking] law to issue a Prompt Corrective Action Directive when a bank's [risk-based] capital falls below [whatever threshold is established in the law]
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